Douglas Henry State Museum Commission Quarterly Meeting Minutes and Agenda

April 10, 2017


April 10, 2017

10:00 am


Museum Experience Room, Level D of Tennessee State Museum


The DHSMC met at 10:00 a.m. on April 10, 2017, in the Museum Experience Room (MER), Level D of the Tennessee State Museum with Chairman Thomas S. Smith presiding.

Members Present

Thomas S. Smith, Chair

Nancy De Friece, Vice Chair

Harbert Alexander

Victor Ashe

Pete Claussen

Walter Knestrick (phone)

Deputy Speaker Steve McDaniel

Deanie Parker

Representative Charles Sargent

Laura Travis

Eleanor Yoakum


Robert Buchanan, Tennessee Historical Society Chair

Ashley Howell, TSM Executive Director

Members Absent

Speaker Beth Harwell

Senator Bo Watson

Participating Guests in Attendance

Alex Rieger, Deputy Attorney General

Kathryn Baker, Assistant Attorney General

Tennessee State Museum Staff (TSM)

Mary Jane Crockett-Green

Sharon Dennis

Dan Justice

Dan Pomeroy

Mary Skinner

Lori Thurston-Smith

Call to Order

Chairman Thomas S. Smith called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. He verified that a quorum was present following roll call and presided over the following business.

Senator Douglas Henry

Commissioner Victor Ashe asked to be recognized. He announced that this was the first meeting following Senator Douglas Henry’s death and asked that the first order of business be to adopt a motion memorializing Senator Douglas Henry’s lifetime of service to the people of Tennessee and to the Museum, and that the Commission stand for a moment of silence in tribute to the Late Senator Douglas Henry. Commissioner Eleanor Yoakum seconded. The Commission voted in unanimous approval. A moment of silence was held in tribute to the late Senator Douglas Henry. Chairman Smith closed the Commission’s tribute by remembering Senator Henry as a champion of the State Museum and a legend in the State of Tennessee.


Chairman Smith introduced new TSM Executive Director, Ashley Howell. He welcomed her, members of the Legislature, guests, and thanked all who traveled the week of Easter to attend.

Approval of the January 24, 2017, Quarterly Meeting Minutes

Chairman Smith entertained a motion for approval of the minutes from the Quarterly meeting on January 24, 2017.  Commissioner Eleanor Yoakum moved to approve the minutes; Representative Charles Sargent seconded. There being no discussion, the Commission voted and unanimously approved the January 24, 2017, Quarterly meeting minutes.

Approval of the January 23, 2017 Search Committee Meeting Minutes

Chairman Smith entertained a motion to approve the minutes from the Search Committee meeting on January 23, 2017. Commissioner Charles Sargent moved to approve the minutes; Commissioner Steve McDaniel seconded. There being no discussion, the Commission voted and unanimously approved the January 23, 2017, Search Committee meeting minutes.

Dissolution of the Search Committee

Chair Smith announced that the Search Committee’s business was complete and called for a motion to dissolve the Committee. Commissioner Pete Claussen moved to dissolve the Search Committee; Commissioner Deanie Parker seconded. There being no discussion, the Commission voted and unanimously approved to dissolve the Search Committee.

Approval of the February 28, 2017 Special Called Meeting Minutes

Chairman Smith entertained a motion to approve the minutes from the Special Called meeting on February 28, 2017. Representative Sargent moved to approve the minutes; Commissioner Yoakum seconded. There being no discussion, the Commission voted and unanimously approved the January 23, 2017, Special Called meeting minutes.

TSM/DHSMC Public Records Policy

Chair Smith announced that a new state-wide mandate for all state agencies required the Commission to develop and approve an agency-specific Public Records Policy. At Chair Smith’s request, the Attorney General’s office had prepared a policy draft. Chair Smith referenced the draft in the meeting books which had also been emailed to members in advance and called for a motion to approve. Representative Sargent moved to approve the TSM/DHSMC Public Records Policy; Commissioner Claussen seconded. Chair Smith called for discussion and recognized Deputy Attorney General Alex Rieger to present and lead discussion about the proposed policy under the Commission’s review. Questions arose regarding Title 10, Chapter 7, records exclusions, acceptable forms of required identification, approved methods of receiving requests, use of personal devices to copy original documents and policy copying fees.

Based on the discussion, Chair Smith proposed amending language to address methods of receiving requests which would be considered acceptable to the AG’s office and could be acceptable to the Commission. The Chair then excused Deputy AG Rieger to research all issues discussed, and report back to the Commission with proposed language that addresses all stated concerns. Chair Smith explained his desire for the Commission to have enough information which would address all concerns and allow for discussion and approval of a TSM/DHSMC Public Records Policy at this meeting as a means of complying with the July 1st deadline.

Collections Report

Chair Smith recognized TSM Director of Collections Dan Pomeroy who presented the Acquisitions report dated January 1, 2017 thru March 26, 2017. The report emailed to the Commission prior to the meeting and included in the meeting books reflected all donated and purchased acquisitions. Mr. Pomeroy highlighted a number of objects from the report, reported on the department’s activities in preparing for the new museum which included contracting five conservators and a retired State Archeologist to provide specialized assistance. He also noted that the Collections staff has met all deadlines in preparing the curatorial packages for the exhibit design firm. Mr. Pomeroy credited Miranda Fraley-Rhodes for her supervision of the curatorial teams and acknowledged other staff members for their contributions. He announced that the museum had hired Debbie Shaw as Curator of Archaeology.

Discussion followed including compliments to Mr. Pomeroy and his staff as well as individual ideas for future collection considerations. Chair Smith Thanked Mr. Pomeroy for his report and commended his department staff.

Budget Report

Chair Smith recognized TSM deputy Director Mary Jane Crockett-Green, who reported the Senate and House Finance Committees unanimously approved the museum’s budget request of $4.2 million for the 17-18 fiscal year. The request, which was also included in the Governor’s recommended budget, provides for six additional staff positions and an increase of $40,000 for operational expenses. Ms. Crockett-Green also reported that the museum’s expenses total 65% of the total budget at the close of the third quarter, reflecting a favorable status in its fund balance with no major unanticipated expenses before fiscal year end. She closed the report by stating the TSM fiscal staff will meet with the museum’s business partners from the Department of Finance and Administration in May to discuss closing procedures.

There was some discussion regarding museum staff salary and inequity issues. Ms. Howell, Representative Sargent, and Chairman Smith made responses on ways in which the salary issues were being addressed.

Executive Director’s Report

Chair Smith recognized Executive Director Ashley Howell, who reported that her current plans and activities include individual interviews with all staff, one-on-one meetings with Commissioners, and a review of all museum policies and other significant documents. She added that the process to-date has been helpful in learning more about the museum and that she has been energized by the staff’s enthusiasm.

Ms. Howell further reported on highlights from her first week which included TSM’s commemoration of World War I; TSMF fundraisers which included a bus tour with 55 participants to Shiloh National Park; the Ladies and Gentlemen’s Committee held on April 6, 2017; and A Tennessee Waltz scheduled for April 29, 2017. She further stated that she looks forward to meeting with each Commissioner and will travel to meet in their communities.

Other Business

The Chairman presented a new museum update on behalf of Mark Cate who was unable to attend the meeting. He reported on building construction, exhibit design, fabrication, communications, budget and fundraising.  He reminded the Commission to frequently visit for updates.     

Chair Smith opened the floor for discussion which included a request for the cost-per-square foot estimates of both the museum building and the museum exhibit spaces at the next meeting. Discussion largely involved interests in the new museum’s capacity to meet statewide outreach goals through digital learning. The Chairman noted that the facility’s digital learning center would have the technology for remote educational programming. Ms. Howell emphasized that technology and access was a priority for her and the museum staff. In response to the discussion, Chair Smith noted the Commission’s request and Ms. Howell’s willingness to work with TSM’s education department and organize communications with school superintendents to address current remote learning capabilities among all state schools. Commissioner Sargent reported the Governor’s recommended budget included funding to extend broadband in rural areas which should impact schools greatly. Commissioner Laura Travis added that the museum’s Traveling Trunk Program also served as a notable outreach service for schools.

Chair Smith announced that he recently received a copy of a letter from the TSM Curator of Education to Representative Ron Travis commending him and his wife on the 50th field trip from their district. Commissioner Travis personally organizes and directs all field trips. The letter stated that since 2013 his office has scheduled 2,700 students, teachers, and parents to visit the Museum and State Capitol. Chair Smith thanked Commissioner Travis and asked that she extend the Commission’s gratitude to her husband. Commissioner Travis added that as of this day, the number of field trips stands at 54.

New Business

Chair Smith announced that the first item under New Business was the Nominating Committee’s report and the election of DHSMC officers for the next year. He recognized Representative Sargent, the committee’s chair who reported that the Nominating Committee met at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, April 10, 2017. Representative Sargent announced the Nominating Committee submits nominees Thomas S. Smith for Chair and Nancy De Friece for Vice Chair and closed the report.

Chair Smith recognized Representative Sargent who opened the floor for discussion and other nominations. Being none, Representative Sargent moved that Chairman Tom Smith be elected as Chair. The Commission voted and unanimously approved to re-elect Thomas S. Smith as chair. Representative Sargent then moved that Nancy De Friece be elected as Vice Chair; Commissioner Parker seconded. The Commission voted and unanimously approved to re-elect Nancy De Friece as Vice-Chair.

Chairman Smith recognized Commissioner Claussen who requested that the Chairman create an Outreach Committee to address the Commission’s various interests in the TSM’s statewide outreach. Chair Smith agreed and stated that he would have Ms. Dennis follow up for inclusion at the next Quarterly meeting.

Chair Smith recognized Deputy AG Rieger to report on the questions and concerns from the previous discussion. General Rieger stated that he consulted with the author of the policy draft, Deputy AG Janet Kleinfelter, and provided responses for each section addressed which included guidance about appropriate procedures and/or permissible language to address the specific concerns. Chair Smith then facilitated discussion about each of the sections in question with assistance from the legal counsel. Some sections were amended; all with language in compliance with Tennessee law.

Commissioner Ashe called for the question regarding discussion of items in the Public Records Policy to which Chair Smith called for a vote on the question. The Commission voted and unanimously agreed. Chairman Smith called for a roll-call vote to approve the TSM/DHSMC Public Records Policy as amended. Commissioners Alexander, Claussen, De Friece, Knestrick (phone), McDaniel, Parker, Sargent, Smith, Travis and Yoakum voted in favor, Commissioner Ashe voted against, and no abstentions. The motion passed with 10 votes in favor, 1 vote against and no abstentions.

Chair Smith called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Claussen moved to adjourn; Commissioner Parker seconded.

Main Motions Summary

Motion: Moved by Commissioner Ashe that the first order of business be to memorialize Senator Douglas Henry’s lifetime of service to the people of Tennessee and to the Museum, and that the Commission stand for a moment of silence in tribute to the Late Senator Douglas Henry. The motion carried unanimously.

Motion:  Moved by Commissioner Yoakum to approve the minutes from the January 24, 2017 DHSMC Quarterly meeting. The motion carried unanimously.

Motion:  Moved by Commissioner Sargent to approve the minutes from the January 23, 2017 Search Committee meeting. The motion carried unanimously.

Motion:  Moved by Commissioner Claussen to dissolve the Search Committee. The motion carried unanimously.

Motion:  Moved by Representative Sargent to approve the minutes from the February 28, 2017 Special Called meeting. The motion carried unanimously.

Motion:  Moved by Representative Sargent to elect Thomas S. Smith as Chair. The motion carried unanimously.

Motion:  Moved by Representative Sargent to elect Nancy De Friece as Vice-Chair. The motion carried unanimously.

Motion:  Moved by Commissioner Ashe to call the question regarding discussion of the TSM/DHSMC Public Records Policy edits; Chair Smith called for the vote on the question. The motion carried unanimously.

Motion:  Moved by Representative Sargent to approve the TSM/DHSMC Public Records Policy as amended. The motion passed with 10 votes in favor, 1 vote against and no abstentions.

Motion:  Moved by Commissioner Claussen to adjourn the meeting.

Announcements Made

Chair Smith announced a meeting of the By-Laws Operating Policies Committee will take place immediately following adjournment.


Chairman Smith adjourned the meeting at 11:20 a.m.