Douglas Henry State Museum Commission Quarterly Meeting Minutes and Agenda

July 10, 2017


July 10, 2017

10:00 am


Museum Experience Room, Level D of Tennessee State Museum


The DHSMC met at 10:00 a.m. on July 10, 2017, in the Museum Experience Room (MER), Level D of the Tennessee State Museum with Chairman Thomas S. Smith presiding.

Members Present

Thomas S. Smith, Chair

Nancy Baker De Friece, Vice Chair

Pete Claussen

Speaker Beth Harwell

Walter Knestrick

Deputy Speaker Steve McDaniel

Deanie Parker

Representative Charles Sargent

Laura Travis


Ashley Howell, TSM Executive Director

Members Absent

Harbert Alexander

Victor Ashe

Senator Bo Watson

Eleanor Yoakum


Robert Buchanan, Tennessee Historical Society Chair

Participating Guests in Attendance

Alex Rieger, Deputy Attorney General

Kathryn Baker, Assistant Attorney General

Helena Gu, Attorney General Clerk

Tennessee State Museum Staff (TSM)

Mary Jane Crockett-Green, Deputy Director/Director of Administration

Sharon Dennis, DHSMC Liaison

Dan Justice, Museum Technical Coordinator

Dan Pomeroy, Chief Curator/Director of Collections,

Mary Skinner, Community & Media Relations Officer

Lori Thurston-Smith, Scribe

Call to Order

Chairman Thomas S. Smith called the meeting to order at 10:14 a.m. He verified that a quorum was present following roll call and presided over the following business.

Welcome and Introduction

Chairman Smith welcomed everyone, thanking the commissioners who traveled great distances for their attendance during this busy summer month.

Approval of the April 10, 2017 Quarterly Meeting Minutes

Chairman Smith entertained a motion for approval of the minutes from the Quarterly meeting on April 10, 2017.  Representative Charles Sargent moved to approve the minutes; Speaker Beth Harwell seconded. There being no discussion, the Commission voted and unanimously approved the April 10, 2017, Quarterly meeting minutes.

New Museum Steering Committee Report

Chairman Smith recognized fellow members of the Steering Committee present including Speaker Beth Harwell, Deputy Speaker Steve McDaniel and Executive Director Ashley Howell. The Chair proceeded to present an update with Director Howell who began the report with a brief visual presentation of the construction progress from the previous two weeks which included exterior images and floor plans. Noting that the project was operating on time and on budget, she explained that Gallagher & Associates (exhibit designer) and D & P Fabrications (exhibit fabricator) have been working with the TSM curatorial team to finalize the exhibition design by summers end. Preparation for fabrication of the new exhibition galleries requires text and artifact selection.  The six rotating galleries for temporary exhibitions will offer additional opportunities to engage the state, partner with other institutions, and exhibit more of the collection for museum visitors. She briefly described the conservation process and offered a tour of the on-site conservation lab for interested members following the meeting.

Chairman Smith, who also serves as the Chair of the Steering Committee, thanked Director Howell and  added some comments about recent activities including: TN Department of General Services Deputy Commissioner John Hull presented an update on the museum’s progress for members of the Commission, the Foundation, the media, and the General Assembly in early March; updates have been made to the new museum website;  a new brochure was created for the next tier of fundraising prospects; plans to hold a second statewide road show in late summer and early fall involve providing updates about the new museum for interested media and individuals; the Governor’s fundraising team has passed the half-way mark of its fundraising goal but will remain in the silent phase until commitments are received on some additional pending requests from major donor prospects and that the Commission will discuss its anticipated participation in the campaign in the future. Chairman Smith also reported the building and exhibit space costs per sf as requested by Commissioner Claussen at the April quarterly meeting:  the construction cost for the building is $667/sf; and the exhibition galleries including fabrication costs $215/sf. with total sfage of 137,400. He confirmed that the project is on time and on budget. Discussion reflected that Commissioners will be contacted when the second road show is scheduled to be in their area.

Public Records Policy Report

Chairman Smith reminded Commissioners that the DHSMC had reviewed and approved the Public Records Policy at its April 10, 2017 quarterly meeting. He stated that a revision had been proposed by Executive Director Ashley Howell to strike “records custodian” and insert Executive Director in F (5) so that the DHSMC Public Records Policy now states: “The Executive Director of the museum may waive or reduce any part of fees calculated under this policy.” Commissioner Laura Travis moved to approve the revision giving the power to the Executive Director; Speaker Beth Harwell seconded the motion. The Commission voted and unanimously approved the single revision to the DHSMC Public Records policy.

Bylaws Operating Policies Committee Report

Chairman Smith noted that all Commissioners had received a copy of the proposed bylaws revisions as recommended by the Bylaws Operating Policies Committee (BLOP) in the meeting books. Stating that the document was included for review only, the Chairman clarified that the Commission would discuss and vote on bylaws revisions at the next quarterly Commission meeting and the document with proposed changes was in the meeting books in compliance with the current bylaws 21-day public notice requirement. There was no intent to vote on the proposed bylaws changes today.

For the record, Chair Smith stated the actions for discussion in this meeting pertain to Operating Policies that were approved earlier this morning in the BLOP Committee meeting. He read from the Bylaws Article VI (3) Policies may be established, amended, or rescinded by majority vote of the members present at any meeting when previous notice has been given prior to such meeting. The chair stated there has been external discussion that the Commission is trying to amend bylaws and bypass proper channels and for the record, that is not the case. Also for the record, the discussion of the proposed Operating Policies revisions have been between Vice Chair De Friece and the Attorney General’ s office. The proposed revisions are implementing best practices with language from other state agencies, commissions, and AAM. The revisions are not intended to single out anyone, and are a product of the April and July BLOP Committee meetings.

Chairman Smith recognized the Bylaws and Operating Policies Committee Chair Nancy De Friece, who recommended that the Commission approve the suggested revisions to the Operating Policies approved by the Committee.  Chairman Smith then recognized members of the commission with questions and deferred to Deputy Attorney General Alex Rieger, to facilitate the review and discussion of each individual proposed edit to the Operating Policies. General Rieger reviewed each of the individual revisions made to the Operating Policies during the committee meeting answering all questions. He addressed each item and included the nature of each proposed revision along with its justification and intent. A red-lined version and a clean copy were referenced under tab 4 of the meeting books.

Additional suggestions regarding meeting absences and requirements for annual signature of Code of Conduct/Ethics and conflicts of Interest were postponed until the next BLOP or Quarterly meeting.

There being no further discussion, Chair Smith noted that the Committee recommendation served as a motion and did not require a second and called for a vote to approve the revisions to the Operating Policies. At the request of General Rieger, as a point of order, the Commission proceeded with a roll call vote. Commissioners Claussen, De Friece, Harwell, Knestrick, McDaniel, Parker, Sargent, Smith, and Travis all voted in favor of the revisions. The motion carried and was unanimously approved by the Commission. There were no dissenting or abstaining votes.

Collections Report

Chair Smith recognized TSM Chief Curator, Director of Collections Dan Pomeroy who presented the Artifact/Object Acquisitions report of artifacts accessioned between March 27, 2017 and June 25, 2017.

Discussion followed including compliments to Mr. Pomeroy and his staff as well as individual ideas for future collection considerations. Chair Smith Thanked Mr. Pomeroy for his report.

Budget Report

Chair Smith recognized TSM Deputy Director Mary Jane Crockett-Green, who presented the budget report projecting an anticipated return of $122,000 to the general fund, which was primarily due to position vacancies. She added that the State allowed the museum to retain the vacant position and awarded six new positions for the 2017-18 fiscal year in anticipation of additional personnel needs for the new facility. Ms. Crockett-Green also reported that the museum encountered some unanticipated larger expenses for the Executive Search and some lump sum payouts to retiring employees with significant leave balances; however, those expenses were covered by vacant salaried positions.

Discussion included justifications regarding the differences in projected expenses versus actual expenses and a need for salary improvements for TSM staff. As part of the discussion on salary improvements, Representative Sargent advised the museum administration to perform a study of staff salaries for the FY 2018-19 budget request, which would reflect competitive salaries for both forecasted positions and current staff. Furthermore, Director Howell reported on current steps with the Department of Human Resources to improve staff compensation including benchmarking salaries using American Alliance of Museums data.

Executive Director’s Report

Chairman Smith recognized Executive Director Ashley Howell, who opened her report honoring and recognizing former Director of Museum Services Patricia Rasbury, who died suddenly June 23, 2017.  Ms. Howell noted that Ms. Rasbury’s 38 years of service had also included her work as the Director of Education and Director of Special Projects.

Director Howell reviewed the process involved in creating the proposed TSM Strategic Plan for the next three years, which included discussions with staff, museum department heads, community members, and other key museum stakeholders. The plan addresses the museum’s mission and vision, and the best means for accomplishing both in terms of our service to the State of Tennessee. This process includes how the TSM will proceed with planning the new facility, closing the current facility, and opening, operating and staffing operations in the new facility following the grand opening. The Strategic Plan is a document that provides a map of how we will accomplish that, how we allocate resources, evaluate what we are doing and report to the commission.

Director Howell then requested that the members review, discuss and vote on the strategic plan, which was included in the agenda materials and meeting books.

Chairman Smith opened discussion affirming that the proposed strategic plan addresses goals and benchmarks which will empower the Executive Director to implement the strategic plan and strengthen the general operations of the agency. The Chair emphasized that the Commission’s only job is to support and oversee the operations of the state museum.

Further discussion reflected the Commission’s encouragement of the plan and the implementation grid. The plan centers on three main goals:

·         Serve the State of Tennessee through History, Art, and Culture

·         Focus on the Visitor Experience

·         Be Accountable and Sustainable

Commissioner Parker made a motion to ratify the Tennessee State Museum’s Strategic Plan; Representative Sargent seconded. The Commission voted and unanimously approved the TSM Strategic Plan.

Director Howell also reported that the State Museum would spend the next year preparing for its American Alliance of Museums (AAM) re-accreditation and reviewed the process involved. The process includes a self-study which is due July 1, 2018, and a peer review which will be followed by a site visit after the museum opens in the new facility.

Director Howell, who serves AAM as a Peer Reviewer, advised that AAM will look at all museum policies, financials, and procedures. Core documents will include the Strategic Plan, the Institutional Code of Ethics, the DHSMC Code of Ethics, the Disaster Preparedness plan, and the Collections Management Plan. Director Howell asked that the Commission be involved in the process in getting the museum ready for the reaccreditation process through the committees.

Director Howell confirmed that pursuing the re-accreditation process while preparing for the new facility was beneficial to the museum. She announced that the process will be spear-headed by the new Director of Special Projects, a position to be filled within the next few weeks. There being no further questions or discussion, Chairman Smith noted his confidence in the direction of Director Howell’s leadership of the museum during its transition to the new facility.

Other Business

Chairman Smith addressed Commissioner Claussen’s suggestion to establish an Outreach Committee at the April DHSMC quarterly meeting. The Chair stated the full Commission’s focus on Outreach would be best served by adding an Outreach agenda item to every quarterly meeting. Noting that the meeting books now include media and social media coverage related to TSM’s outreach activities and programs, the Chair explained that this approach may best reflect each Commissioner’s incumbent responsibility to encourage positive promotion of the museum. The Chair recognized Commissioner Claussen who stated that his purpose in making the recommendation was to ensure that outreach was being addressed and managed; however, he noted favorably that Outreach is also now addressed in the TSM Strategic Plan. Chair Smith stated that the DHSMC could revisit the creation of a formal committee if later deemed necessary, but that the current process emphasized the issue as a commission-wide responsibility.

Chairman Smith made an announcement that the submitted By-Laws revisions included the formation of an Executive Committee as suggested by Commissioner Claussen in April. Accordingly, he encouraged all members to review the By-Laws and proposed revisions in preparation for discussion and vote at the October quarterly Commission meeting. There being no discussion, the Chair proceeded to new business.

New Business

Under new business, Chair Smith noted that the reappointments to the By-Laws Operating Policies Committee and the Collections Acquisitions Committees were included in the meeting books. He further added that the Search Committee was dissolved at the April meeting with the conclusion of the search. It was noted that appointments to the Audit and Nominating Committees will be announced at the second to last quarterly meeting (typically January) of the fiscal year per the bylaws. The Chairman reminded commissioners that all meetings are posted on in the public meetings calendar as well as The Chair closed new business by stating that the revised Annual Conflict of Interest statement now included in the revised Operating Policies would be sent to all commissioners. Signed copies may be mailed or scanned and sent via email.

Upcoming Meeting Dates

Chairman Smith announced that a schedule of 2017-18 meeting dates were included in the agenda materials. He suggested possible future meeting locations in East and West Tennessee as part of the Commission’s statewide outreach efforts, and further noted that those regional meetings would need to be sensitive to the legislative schedule. Commissioners De Friece and Parker were praised for their contributions hosting memorable events the evenings prior to quarterly meetings in Bristol and Memphis.


Chairman Smith provided a brief summary of meeting business which included the TSM Strategic Plan, staff salaries, approved changes to the Operating Policies, and the proposed By-Laws revisions, noting that the review and editing of all stated documents was a product of many months of research with the goal to implement Best Practices. He further thanked Nancy De Friece for her work as the Bylaws Operating Policies Committee Chair, committee members and General Rieger.

Main Motions Summary

Motion: Moved by Pete Claussen to approve the April 10, 2017 Quarterly Meeting Minutes. The motion carried unanimously.

Motion:  Moved by Laura Travis to approve one change in the Public Records Policy.  The motion carried unanimously.

Motion:  Moved by Nancy De Friece to approve the proposed revisions to the Operating Policies previously approved by the Bylaws Operating Policies Committee. The Commission proceeded with a roll call vote. Commissioners Claussen, De Friece, Harwell, Knestrick, McDaniel, Parker, Sargent, Smith, and Travis all voted in favor. The motion carried unanimously with nine (9) votes in favor, no votes against and no abstentions.

Motion:  Moved by Deanie Parker to ratify the Tennessee State Museum Strategic Plan. The motion carried unanimously.  

Motion:  Moved by Representative Charles Sargent to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried unanimously.

Announcement Made

Chair Smith asked members to watch for location changes for upcoming meetings.


There being no further discussion, Representative Charles Sargent moved to adjourn the July 2017 quarterly Commission meeting; Speaker Harwell seconded. The meeting adjourned at 11:22 a.m.