Douglas Henry State Museum Commission Quarterly Meeting Minutes and Agenda

July 9, 2018


July 9, 2018

10:00 am


The Douglas Henry State Museum Commission (DHSMC) met at 10:00 a.m. on July 9, 2018 in the Museum
Experience Room (MER), Level D of the Tennessee State Museum (TSM) with Chairman Thomas S. Smith presiding.

Members Present

Thomas S. Smith, Chair
NancyBaker DeFriece, Vice Chair (phone)
Victor Ashe
Tina Hodges
Walter Knestrick (phone)
Deputy Speaker Steve McDaniel
Deanie Parker
Laura Travis                                                                                          
Senator Bo Watson (phone & present for voting)
Eleanor Yoakum
Ex Officio:
Robert Buchanan, Tennessee Historical Society Chair
Ashley Howell, TSM Executive Director

Members Absent
Harbert Alexander
Pete Claussen
Representative Charles Sargent

Participating Guests in Attendance
Alex Rieger, Deputy Attorney General
Kathryn Baker, Assistant Attorney General

Participating TSM Staff
Mary Jane Crockett-Green, Deputy Director/Director of Administration
Sharon Dennis, DHSMC Liaison
Dan Justice, Technical Coordinator
Joe Pagetta, Director of Communications
Dan Pomeroy, Chief Curator/Director of Collections

Call to Order
Chairman Thomas S. Smith called the meeting to order at 10:14 a.m. and proceeded with roll call. He verified that a quorum was present following roll call and presided over the following business.

Welcome and Introduction
Chair Smith welcomed everyone present and DHSMC members on the phone.

Approval of Minutes from the April 9, 2018 Quarterly Meeting
Chair Smith entertained a motion for approval of the minutes from the Quarterly meeting on April 9, 2018. Deanie Parker moved to approve the minutes; Eleanor Yoakum seconded. There being no discussion, the Commission voted and unanimously approved the April 9, 2018 Quarterly meeting minutes.

Signed Annual Conflict of Interest Forms
Chair Smith asked if all the Annual Conflict of Interest forms were signed and returned. All were reported signed and returned with the exception of Victor Ashe who submitted his signed form following the meeting. 

Collections Committee (CAC) Report
Chair Smith recognized CAC Chair Deanie Parker who began her report stating that in addition to incalculable tasks the TSM staff has been addressing to transition to the new facility, staff has been focusing upon meeting the deadline for the AAM reaccreditation self-study due July 1. In reviewing the ongoing work of the DHSMC-CAC with Director Howell and the TSM Director of Collections, Chair Parker noted that the following edits to the TSM Collections Manual are in order as a matter of “housekeeping” to bring the Collections Manual current.

Mission of the Tennessee State Museum

  • Natural has been removed from the mission statement as adopted by the DHSMC on September 13, 2010.
  • The number of artifacts in the collection has been updated to some one hundred fifty thousand objects.
  • The change from Association to Alliance in the name of AAM of the American Alliance of Museums.
  • Proper abbreviations to help clarity in the Collections Manual that were approved October 10, 2016 by the CAC are to be incorporated throughout the entire Collections Manual, i.e. TSM, DHSMC, DHSMC-CAC, TSM-CAC, TSMF.
  • The Public Access to Collections Policy and Procedures has been strengthened by adding the Director of Collections in various places.
  • The TSM Deaccessions Policy, formerly approved by the Board of Standards, has been revised to make it compliant with the Procurement Commission. 

In summary, Chair Parker noted that the current versions and the proposed draft version are in the meeting books. Chair Smith acknowledged the motion by CAC Chair Parker to approve the edits identified as “housekeeping” revisions to the Collections Manual; Laura Travis seconded. Chair Smith called for a vote on the motion which passed unanimously with no abstentions.   

Budget Report
Chair Smith recognized TSM Deputy Director Mary Jane Crockett-Green who began by stating the preliminary Budget Report for June will show approximately $500,000 returned to the General Fund comprised primarily from Personnel funding of salary and benefits. TSM was in a transition period with six new positions to fill offset by two retirements, one unexpected death, and two staff members’ resignations to seek other opportunities. Ms. Crockett-Green concluded that a measured approach is underway to fill twelve brand new positions that will begin being added July 1. Chair Smith called for questions. There being none he thanked Ms. Crockett-Green for her report. 

Best Practices Committee Report
Chair Smith began the report by reminding the Commission of extensive discussions in the April 9, 2018 DHSMC Quarterly meeting following working with TSMF Chair Dr. Paul McCombs, and TSMF Audit Committee Chair Dianne Neal in seeking a written agreement or MOU; the basis of which is to solidify and formalize the DHSMC, TSM and TSMF relationship.       

Chairman Smith stated that he was in receipt of a letter dated May 5 from the TSMF Chair Dr. Paul McCombs with no modifications or edits to the proposed draft agreements. Chair Smith further acknowledged receipt of an email July 6 from Chair McCombs saying the TSMF has retained an attorney to draft a new agreement. 

Following a statement to the members, the Chair called for discussion which included two motions made by the Best Practices Committee for submission to the DHSMC for approval.  In order to get the motions in their proper posture, Senator Watson asked that they be addressed one at a time.  He noted that during discussion of BPC motion #1, it was referenced that this has been done in statute before, so over that explanation the motion was read.

Senator Watson moved to allow for the legal and others as the director may deem necessary, to explore, investigate and develop legislation which would create an additional support organization for the Tennessee State Museum; seconded by Victor Ashe. 

Chair Smith called for discussion. Discussion included precedent for multiple support groups for state agencies, the critical timeline involved for reaccreditation and the need for the fully executed agreement, and the ongoing series of attempts over twelve months to negotiate an agreement defining roles and responsibilities. 

Senator Watson expressed a desire to clarify the motion so that commission members are clear. The motion is to evaluate and it would be presumptive to assume that in October the legal would come back with the recommendation to form a new entity. The motion gives authority from the commission to the working group to explore and bring back a recommendation in October setting in place a process to determine whether it’s in the best interest of the museum to move forward with a legislative solution or whether it’s better to continue with some type of conversation with the existing foundation. 

Senator Watson offered an amendment to the BPC motion #1 and moved to add: the working group will return a recommendation to the commission for evaluation at the October meeting. The amendment was seconded by Victor Ashe.

Chair Smith called for discussion on the BPC amendment to motion #1 and emphasized there is no desire to dissolve the TSMF noting General Riegers' account earlier in the meeting that the TSMF was created as an independent entity and therefore neither this commission, the director, the legislature nor the state has any power to reform it, reorganize it or wind it down. 

Further discussion acknowledged the TSMF for its contributions and provided the following clarification for the motion to explore. The legislature has moved to a new era and this year the TSM budget has been quadrupled by a direct state appropriation. In the event of a future economic downturn, the Executive Director must have the tools necessary to effectively fundraise. If not, the legislature will have to make decisions if it cannot fund the operation. So if the current foundation structure and relationship with the museum commission does not meet the necessary economic ends of the new museum, then the DHSMC and the Legislature must realistically look at what kind of tools it can provide.

It was agreed that should the TSMF come back with an alternative approach to how it can be a support mechanism to this organization, the DHSMC Chair and other members would look at that very favorably; however, in the event that it does not, there is an absolute necessity to ensure that all abilities to fund the new TSM are available moving forward. The chair repeatedly emphasized this is not an attempt to dissolve the TSMF; it is if needed, an attempt to investigate other options to establish an additional support group to raise funds for the ongoing and future operations of the TSM.  

Further discussion included the effectiveness of the current TSMF membership director in driving membership, the effectiveness of other TSMF staff in meeting goals, the TSMF Mission Statement, and the net profit to the museum from the TSMF’ s fundraisers Sparkle & Twang and A Tennessee Waltz. 

General Rieger offered clarity in the distinction between the Governor’s campaign to raise money for the new museum which goes into a designated fund, and the TSMF’s fundraisers. 

Chair Smith then called for a vote on the amendment to the motion by Senator Watson. The amendment to the motion passed unanimously with no abstentions. 

Chair Smith followed by calling for a vote on the original motion by Senator Watson. The motion passed unanimously with no abstentions. 

Main Motion: Senator Watson moved to allow for the legal and others as the director may seem necessary, to explore, investigate and develop legislation which would create an additional support organization for the Tennessee State Museum. The working group will return a recommendation to the commission for evaluation at the October meeting.

Chair Smith asked that the second motion brought forward by the Best Practices Committee be read and opened the floor for discussion. Victor Ashe moved that the TSM suspend its participation in A Tennessee Waltz in 2019; seconded by Senator Watson. 

After initial discussion, Senator Watson asked members to explore the motion to see if it could be more of a policy decision at the discretion of the Executive Director rather than the commission taking affirmative action. State employees are under the Executive Director’s authority and she must make the decision about how she best utilizes her staff and whether or not she may lend staff to work on a foundation project and if not, it would then put the decision of whether to hire staff for the Waltz on the TSMF.

Victor Ashe responded as having no problem with that and after further discussion which included the use of the DHSMC name on a TSMF function and counsel from General Rieger, Victor Ashe withdrew his motion with authority given to Director Howell to make the decision as to whether or not to support A Tennessee Waltz in 2019 with the absolute understanding that TSM employees will not perform duties on State time per mandate from the Comptroller. Director Howell offered to take this conversation to the TSMF at its July 23 Quarterly meeting and report back to the DHSMC in October.

Executive Director Report/Media
Director Howell opened her report noting her written report to the Commission is in the meeting books and her oral report will focus on new museum logistics, installation, and opening. 

New Museum Site 
The installation within the exhibition spaces is experiencing dramatic changes on a daily basis. Exhibition cases are installed with hanging and shelving systems. Regarding the building, marble installation continues and the terrazzo is being poured. The proposed opening dates are a donor event on the evening of October 3 and the ribbon-cutting event on October 4.

Next Commission Meeting
Considering the proposed Donor Recognition Event on October 3 and the Ribbon Cutting on Thursday, October 4, Director Howell asked the Commission to consider moving the next Quarterly Meeting from October 8 to October 3 in consideration of long commutes from the East and West Grand divisions. 

Commissioner Ashe moved to amend the Quarterly meeting date from October 8 to October 3; Laura Travis seconded. The Chair called for a vote to move the meeting to October 3 at 10:00 a.m. The commission voted unanimously to approve with no abstentions.  

Fundraising Campaign
The fundraising campaign has raised over 30 million including $355,000 in paver donations.

Museum Operations
As the last Department Head hire, Lauren Amos, Director of Operations will begin on July 17th. Lauren was the interim Deputy Director of the Ogden Museum of Southern Art in New Orleans. She has significant experience in operations in facilities, securities, mechanical systems, and earned revenue experience for events, fundraising events and store management.  With twelve new positions in the new fiscal year posting shortly, some of which will fall under Operations, Director Howell welcomed Lauren to the team. 

New Museum Hours of Operation
Director Howell asked the DHSMC to consider approving an extension of three hours of operation on Thursdays until 8:00 p.m. in order to accommodate visitor needs for those who work regular daytime schedules.  Senator Watson moved for discussion to increase the Thursday operating hours for three hours from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.; Victor Ashe seconded.  Discussion included the opportunities for evening programs and lectures in the digital learning center and to match the Farmers Market extended hours on Thursday evenings. In addition, this would preserve Friday and Saturday evenings for a facility use fee. This change does not present a significant cost to security. 
Senator Watson moved to extend the Thursday hours of operation by three hours from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.; seconded by Victor Ashe. The Chair called for a vote on the motion. The commission voted unanimously to approve the motion with no abstentions.  

In addition to discussion in the Best Practices Committee report, Director Howell explained the TSM received its AAM accreditation in June of 2003. The typical time period is ten years for reaccreditation and thanks to our Director of Special Projects, Tammi Edwards, the July 1 deadline was met for the Self-Study which basically consists of core documents such as mission statements, DHSMC & TSMF bylaws and delegation of authority, strategic plan, financials, the emergency plan update and the collections manual. We thank the Collections Committee and its Chair Deanie Parker for the ongoing evaluations in updating the collections manual. Questions included changes since the last review, changes in the last five years, changes in the last three years and questions about improvements the TSM is making and how we are preparing for this transition. 

The process for reaccreditation begins with submission of the self-study documents followed by AAM program officers review of the information who will submit commentary back to TSM asking for possible revisions or updates. The next phase will include a two-day on-site peer review by a team of two who know state government/state museums. The review in early 2019 will include collection storage and in all probability an interview with a member of the governing authority. Director Howell and Tammi Edwards have applied for additional funds for the collection storage facilities specifically through the National Endowment for Humanities. 

Chair Smith thanked Director Howell for an excellent report and called for questions. As there were none, he proceeded to media coverage.

Media Coverage
The chair opened the media coverage discussion by recognizing the first article in the Tennessean on Representative Charles Sargent his contributions and upcoming retirement followed by more positive news articles and encouraged all members to review the press clippings from this quarter included in the meeting books. 

Proposed Bylaws Change
The chair cited the proposed seventh amendment to the bylaws and deferred to General Rieger for a legal summary. General Rieger explained in discussion from the prior quarterly meeting the current version of the bylaws term limits the chair to two consecutive one-year terms which is inconsistent with TCA 4-20-302(b) which does not limit the number of terms the commission chair may serve. He noted the fact that the legislature did not term limit the chair as evidence of a desire that the chair not be term limited. Therefore the proposed bylaw modification is to delete the term limits on the chair in Article III, Section 1 of the bylaws by deleting the language but shall not serve more than two consecutive one year terms. 

The chair called for questions or comments. Senator Watson moved to adopt; Deanie Parker seconded. The Chair then called for discussion. Following clarity on the motion and discussion, Chair Smith called for a vote on the motion to bring the bylaws in compliance with the TCA. The commission voted unanimously to approve the motion with no abstentions.  

New Business
Chair Smith announced that the first item under new business was to ask if all Commissioners have received a copy of the AAM National Standards and Best Practices for US Museums. He also noted the Military Branch Museum history requested by Harbert Alexander in the meeting books was quite informative and interesting and called for any new business. 
Eleanor Yoakum asked for clarification on the new museum donor pavers. Director Howell explained that pavers are size-based on the amount given and offered to walk commissioners through the integrals. 

Chair Smith closed new business inviting all commissioners to stay to see the technology on display in the meeting room and called for public comments. 

Public Comment
Public comment was given by TSMF member Trudy Byrd.

Other Business
The Chair recognized Laura Travis who, on a personal order, thanked Director Howell and her staff on their guidance and assistance during the 18 month renovation in Rhea County of the Rhea Heritage and Scopes Trial Museum which was funded through legislative grant appropriations for historical projects. She concluded by thanking Tina Hodges for bringing Advanced Financial to Dayton.

Committee Appointments
Chair Smith appointed the following members to the ad hoc committees of the Commission.
BEST PRACTICES COMMITTEE (BPC)Thomas S. Smith, Committee Chair; Harbert Alexander; Victor Ashe; Representative Steve McDaniel; Representative Charles Sargent; Senator Bo Watson; Ashley Howell
CAROUSEL COMMITTEE (CC)Laura Travis, Committee Chair; Victor Ashe; Tina Hodges; Walter Knestrick; Deanie Parker; Ashley Howell; Thomas S. Smith
BY-LAWS OPERATING POLICIES COMMITTEE (BLOP)Nancy DeFriece, Committee Chair ; Victor Ashe; Walter Knestrick; Deanie Parker; Laura Travis; Eleanor Yoakum ; Ashley Howell; Thomas S. Smith
COLLECTIONS ACQUISITIONS COMMITTEE (CAC)Deanie Parker, Committee Chair; Walter Knestrick; Laura Travis; Eleanor Yoakum; Ashley Howell; Thomas S. Smith
Upcoming Meeting DatesChair Smith announced the upcoming Quarterly meeting dates of October 3, 2018, January 14, 2019 and April 8, 2019 with meeting locations to be determined. 

Chair Smith thanked those present and on the phone for their attendance. There being no further discussion, the Chair called for a motion to adjourn. Victor Ashe moved to adjourn the July 9, 2018 DHSMC Quarterly meeting; Senator Watson seconded. The meeting adjourned at 12:25 p.m. 

Main Motions Summary
Motion: Moved by Deanie Parker to approve the April 9, 2018 DHSMC Quarterly Meeting minutes. Chair Smith called for a vote on the motion which passed unanimously with no abstentions.   
Motion: Moved by CAC Chair Parker to approve the edits identified as “housekeeping” revisions to the Collections Manual. Chair Smith called for a vote on the motion which passed unanimously with no abstentions.   
Motion: Moved by Senator Watson to allow for the legal and others as the director may seem necessary, to explore, investigate, and develop legislation which would create an additional support organization for the Tennessee State Museum. The working group will return a recommendation for evaluation to the commission at the October meeting. Chair Smith called for a vote on the motion which passed unanimously with no abstentions. 
Motion: Moved by Victor Ashe to amend the Quarterly meeting date from October 8 to October 3; Laura Travis seconded. Chair Smith called for a vote on the motion which passed unanimously with no abstentions.   
Motion: Moved by Senator Watson to extend the TSM Thursday hours of operation by three hours from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. Chair Smith called for a vote on the motion which passed unanimously with no abstentions.   
Motion: Moved by Senator Watson to Amend Article III, Section 1 of the bylaws to conform to TCA 4-20-302(b) which does not limit the number of terms the Commission’s chair may serve by removing but shall not serve more than two consecutive terms. Chair Smith called for a vote on the motion to bring the bylaws in compliance with the TCA. The commission voted unanimously to approve the motion with no abstentions.  
Motion: Moved by Victor Ashe to adjourn the meeting. Chair Smith Adjourned the meeting at 12:25 p.m.


Thomas S. SmithChairman Douglas Henry State Museum Commission
Signed and approved October 3, 2018



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