AWR136- Essentials of Community Cybersecurity

May 9, 2023, from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm CST


May 9, 2023

8:00 am to 12:00 pm CST


State Emergency Operations Center Suiter Room 3041 Sidco Dr Nashville, TN 37204


The Essentials of Community Cybersecurity (ECCS) course provides individuals, community leaders, and first responders with information on how cyber attacks can impact, prevent, and/or stop operations and emergency responses in a community. The course also provides a cursory introduction to cybersecurity vulnerabilities, risks, threats, and countermeasures. It explains vulnerabilities of computer systems and networks and how these vulnerabilities can affect communities, organizations, and daily workplace operations. The course introduces actions communities can take in establishing a cybersecurity program. The course provides participants with an awareness of issues. It gives an overview of threats and vulnerabilities, without going into too many details, to highlight the potential impact a cyber attack could have. Participants discuss some of the fundamental activities needed to develop a cybersecurity program, without addressing the technical details of how to secure critical infrastructures. The course introduces the Community Cybersecurity Maturity Model (CCSMM) as a framework for understanding community cybersecurity and offers a brief introduction to low-cost or no-cost approaches to securing a community against cybersecurity threats and attacks. The course sets the stage for further efforts in which a community can build a cybersecurity program.

Course Objectives
At the conclusion of the course, participants will be able to:Recognize why community cybersecurity is important.
Recognize the characteristics of a community cybersecurity program