October 12, 2021 Quarterly Commission Meeting

October 12, 2021


October 12, 2021

9:00 am


Cordell Hull Building, Senate Hearing Room II Nashville, Tennessee

Pursuant to Policy 1.200 - Commission Meetings, each regular and special-called Commission meeting shall provide for the opportunity for public comment. Requests to speak at the Commission meeting must be received by 4 pm Central Time on the business day immediately preceding the Commission meeting. Please complete this form to request to speak at the October 12, 2021 Commission meeting.



I. Welcome
Tom Griscom, Commission Chairman

        - Roll Call
        - Review of Agenda
        - Approval of Prior Minutes

II. Public Comments

III. Report: Business Operations Committee
Dave Hanson, Commitee Chairman

        -Agency Budget Update
        -Closeout of Fiscal Year 2021
        -Budget to Actuals Fiscal Year 2022
        -Future Commission Space and 8th Floor Conference Room

IV. Report: School Performance and Accountability Committee
Chris Richards, Committee Chair

        -School Operations Update
        -LEA Operations Update
        -ESSER and Consolidated Funding Application Updates

V. Report: Rules, Policy, and Governance Committee
Terence Patterson, Committee Chairman

- First Reading: Commission Policies
            - 1.000 - Mission Statement

- Final Reading: Permanent Rules
            -Achievement School District Authorization Permanent Rule
            -Amendment Appeals Permanent Rule

VI. New Start Appeals                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Tess Stovall, Executive Director & Ashley Thomas, General Counsel

- Academy of the Arts Charter High School
            -Executive Director's Report

- Nashville Classical II
            -Executive Director's Report

VII. Presentation: Strategic Planning Update 
Chase Ingle, Director of External Affairs

VIII. Presentation: Executive Director Updates
Tess Stovall, Executive Director

IX. Closing Discussion and Adjournment
Tom Griscom, Commission Chairman