February 5, 2021 Quarterly Commission Meeting

February 5, 2021, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm CST


February 5, 2021

9:00 am to 12:00 pm CST


WebEx: URL: https://bit.ly/3qA5lyD Password: Tr3jVRJtA84 Event Number: 178 255 7042 Phone Number: (415) 655-0003 Access Code: 178 255 7042

Pursuant to Policy 1.200 - Commission Meetings, each regular and special-called Commission meeting shall provide for the opportunity for public comment. Requests to speak at the Commission meeting must be received by 4 pm Central Time on the business day immediately preceding the Commission meeting. Please complete this form to request to speak at the February 5, 2021 Commission meeting.


I. Welcome
Tom Griscom, Commission Chairman

            - Roll Call
            - Review of Agenda
            - Approval of Prior Minutes
            - Approval of Committee Procedures and Responsibilities

II. Report: Rules, Policy, and Governance Committee
Terence Patterson, Committee Chair

- Annual Evaluation Process for Executive Director
- Final Reading: Policy 1.100 – Commission Members
- Final Reading: LEA Policies
• 1000 Board Operations
            o 1100 Adoption of Policies
            o 1106 Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest
            o 1200 Grievances and Complaints
            o 1407 Public Records
            o 1408 Records Retention
            o 1800 School Calendar
            o 1801 Special Education
            o 1802 ADA and Section 504
            o 1803 Smoke Free Environment
            o 1808 Registered Sex Offenders
            o 1900 Accountability of TPCSC and Charter Schools
• 4000 Instructional Support
            o 4206 Homebound Instruction
            o 4207 English Learners
            o 4209 Alternative Credit Options
            o 4210 Credit Recovery
• 5000 Personnel
            o 5104 Employee Rights
            o 5106 Application and Employment
            o 5114 Personnel Records
            o 5118 Background Investigations
            o 5400 Employee Health
            o 5610 Staff Student Relations
            o 5701 Substitute Teachers
            o 5911 Differentiated Pay

- First Reading: LEA Policies
• 2000 Fiscal Management
            o 2100 Fiscal Management Objectives
            o 2200 School Operating Budget
            o 2201 Line Item Transfer Authority
            o 2400 Revenue and School Fees
            o 2401 Gifts and Bequests
            o 2402 Investment of Funds
            o 2403 Property Sales
            o 2404 School Support Organizations
            o 2500 Deposit of Funds
            o 2600 Bonded Employees
            o 2700 Accounting System
            o 2701 Financial Records
            o 2702 Inventory and Equipment
            o 2703 Audits
            o 2800 Expenditure of Funds
            o 2801 Petty Cash Accounts
            o 2802 Payroll Procedures
            o 2804 Expenses and Reimbursements
            o 2805 Purchasing and Contracts
            o 2900 Student Activity Funds Management
• 3000 Support Services
            o 3201 School Safety
            o 3202 Emergency Preparedness
            o 3208 Asbestos Management
            o 3212 School Water Testing
            o 3218 Service Animals in District Facilities
            o 3400 Transportation
            o 3600 Insurance
• 4000 Instructional Support
            o 4211 Work Based Learning Program
            o 4300 Interscholastic Athletics
            o 4400 Instructional Materials
            o 4406 Internet Safety
            o 4502 Parent Involvement
            o 4603 Promotion and Retention
            o 4605 Course Credits and Graduation
            o 4701 Test Security
            o 4802 Student Equal Access
            o 4804 Religion in the Curriculum
• 5000 Personnel
            o 5107 Employee Separation
• 6000 Students
            o 6200 Attendance
            o 6203 Physical Examinations and Immunizations
            o 6206 School Admissions
            o 6209 Child Custody and Parental Access
            o 6300 Security
            o 6303 Reporting of Crimes
            o 6304 Bullying Harassment Hazing
            o 6304.01 Title IX and Sexual Harassment
            o 6307 Student Alcohol Drug Use and Testing
            o 6309 Zero Tolerance
            o 6313 Student Discipline Policy
            o 6316 Suspension Expulsion Remand
            o 6317 Remands and Student Disciplinary Hearing Authority
            o 6400 Student Wellness and Health Services
            o 6403 Communicable Diseases
            o 6404 Students Living with HIV or AIDS
            o 6409 Child Abuse
            o 6413 Concussion
            o 6500 Restraint and Isolation
            o 6503 Homeless Students
            o 6504 Migrant Students
            o 6505 Students in Foster Care
            o 6600 Student Records and Confidentiality
            o 6910 News and Media Relations
            o 6920 Reporting Criminal Offenses
            o 6921 Incarcerated Students

III. Report: Business Operations Committee
Dave Hanson, Committee Chair
            - FY 2021 Budget to Actuals Update

IV. Report: School Performance and Accountability Committee
Chris Richards, Committee Chair
            - State Board Authorized School – SY2019-20 Annual Report
            - SY2021-22 LEA Planning for Charter Commission

V. Presentation: Achievement School District Exit Plan Update
                                 Achievement School District Exit Plan Summary
                                 Achievement School District Exit Plan

Dr. Eve Carney, Chief of Districts and Schools, Tennessee Department of Education

VI. Presentation: Special Legislative Session Update
Chase Ingle, Director of External Affairs

VII. Presentation: Open Meetings, Open Records, and Conflicts of Interest Refresher
Ashley Thomas, General Counsel

VIII. Presentation: Executive Director Updates
Tess Stovall, Executive Director

IX. Public Comments

X. Closing Discussion and Adjournment
Tom Griscom, Commission Chair