Rules, Policy, and Governance Committee

July 12, 2021


July 12, 2021

11:30 am


Tennessee Tower Multi Media Room


I. Welcome
Terence Patterson, Committee Chair

            - Roll Call
            - Review of Agenda
            - Approval of Prior Minutes

II.Final Reading: Commission Policies
Ashley Thomas, General Counsel

- 1000 – Commission Operations
            o 1.100 – Commission Members
            o 1.200 – Commission Meetings
            o 1.300 – Personnel
            o 1.400 – Public Records Policy [REPEALED]
- 2000 -- Appeals
            o 2.000 – Charter School Appeals
            o 2.100 – Charter School Application Review
            o 2.200 – Charter School Renewal Appeals
            o 2.300 – Charter School Revocation Appeals
- 3000 – Commission as Authorizer Policies
            o 3.000 – Core Authorizing Principles
            o 3.100 – Charter Agreements
            o 3.200 – Charter School Autonomy
            o 3.300 – Oversight and Evaluation
            o 3.400 – Charter School Intervention
            o 3.500 – Charter School Revocation with Commission as Authorizer
            o 3.600 – Renewal of Commission-Authorized Charter Agreements
            o 3.700 – Charter School Performance Framework
            o 3.800 – LEA as a Sponsor

III. LEA Policies Updates for Approval
Ashley Thomas, General Counsel

- 2000 Fiscal Management
            o 2805 Purchasing and Contacts (updated)
- 3000 Support Services
            o 3201 School Safety (updated)
- 4000 Instructional Support
            o 4400 Instructional Materials (updated)
- 6000 Students
            o 6200 Attendance (updated)
            o 6309 Zero Tolerance (updated)
            o 6313 Student Discipline Policy (updated)
            o 6317 Remands and Student Disciplinary Hearing Authority (updated)
            o 6500 Restraint and Isolation (updated)

IV. Emergency Approval of Amendment Appeal Rules
Ashley Thomas, General Counsel

V. First Reading of Permanent Amendment Appeals Rules
Ashley Thomas, General Counsel

VI. First Reading of Permanent ASD Application Rules
Ashley Thomas, General Counsel
- Including review of draft application and rubric, with approval assigned to Commission’s designee

VII. Closing Discussion and Adjournment
Terence Patterson, Committee Chair