Quarterly Commission Meeting

April 1, 2022


April 1, 2022

9:30 am


Tennessee Tower, Multi-Media Room 312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue, Nashville, TN 37243 Livestream: https://bit.ly/3wG86Vm

Pursuant to Policy 1.200 - Commission Meetings, each regular and special-called Commission meeting shall provide for the opportunity for public comment. Requests to speak at the Commission meeting must be received by 4 pm Central Time on the business day immediately preceding the Commission meeting. Please complete this form to request to speak at the April 1, 2022 Commission meeting. Written public comments may be submitted by completing this form.


I. Welcome
Tom Griscom, Commission Chairman

        - Roll Call
        - Review of Agenda
        - Approval of Prior Minutes

II. Public Comment

III. Report: Rules, Policy, and Governance Committee
Terence Patterson, Committee Chairman

        -Commission Rules Update
        -Commission Policy Updates

            o 1.300 – Personnel
            o 2.000 – Charter School Appeals
            o 2.100 – Charter School Application Review
            o 2.200 – Charter School Renewal Appeals
            o 2.300 – Charter School Revocation Appeals
            o 3.200 – Charter School Autonomy
            o 3.500 – Charter School Revocation with Commission as Authorizer
            o 3.600 – Renewal of Charter Agreements
            o 3.900 – Amendment Petition Policy

IV. Report: School Performance and Accountability Committee
Chris Richards, Committee Chairman

        -School/ Pre-Opening Updates
        -School Operator Engagement
        -Fiscal Year 2023 School Funding Update  

V. Report: Business Operations Committee
Dave Hanson, Commitee Chairman

        -Fiscal Year 2022 Budget to Actuals
        -Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Update

VI. Charter Agreements
Beth Figueroa, Director of Authorizing & Ashley Thomas, General Counsel 

- Rutherford Collegiate Prep
            -Charter Agreement
            -Pre-Opening Checklist

- Lester Prep
            -Charter Agreement
            -ASD Transition Checklist

- Cornerstone Prep Denver
            -Charter Agreement
            -ASD Transition Checklist

- Libertas School of Memphis
            -Charter Agreement
            -ASD Transition Checklist

VII. Revocation Appeals
Tess Stovall, Executive Director

  -Memphis Academy of Health Sciences
            -Executive Director's Report
            -Written Statement- Memphis Shelby County Schools
            -Written Statement- Memphis Academy of Health Sciences

VIII. Open Meetings Refresher
Ashley Thomas, General Counsel

IX. Strategic Plan Update
DreJean Cummings, Special Assistant to E.D.

X. Presentation: Executive Director's Updates
Tess Stovall, Executive Director

XI. Closing Discussion and Adjournment
Tom Griscom, Commission Chairman