2021 TN Workers' Compensation Educational Conference

Attendee Resources

  • Detailed Agenda
    • Links to session materials
    • Links to speaker bios
    • Suggested audience(s) listed for each breakout session
  • Program Handout
    • Exhibitor Index
    • Schedule at a Glance

Download Detailed Agenda

The session names and times on this agenda are subject to change.

Monday, November 1, 2021
Time Session Name
10:00 AM Registration
1:00 PM Welcome and Bureau Updates
1:30 PM Flipping the Script: Changing the narrative in workers’ compensation. Transitioning from how to why
2:45 PM Networking Break
3:15 PM Ethical Conundrums in Workers’ Compensation
4:30 PM Adjourn
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Time Session Name
7:00 AM Breakfast
8:00 AM Identifying the Most Promising Safety Technologies for Serious Injury and Fatality Prevention
9:00 AM Networking Break
9:30 AM Designing Return to Work for Better Outcomes
10:30 AM Networking Break
11:00 AM

Breakout Session #1

  • Decorum in the Court IV:  The Rise of the Mediator, Ethics for Attorneys—Part 1
  • Workplace Diversity:  Innovating Inclusive Recovery
  • Optimizing Patient Preparation for surgery & other treatments
  • Workers’ Comp 101
  • Stress and Anxiety—Drivers of Poor Workers’ Compensation Outcomes
12:15 PM Lunch (Provided)
1:30 PM

Breakout Session #2

  • An Overview of the Uninsured Employers Fund (UEF) Benefit Plan
  • Should This Case Settle? A Candid and Insightful Discussion about Settlements
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Case Management
  • Using the OSHA/TOSHA VPP Safety and Health Management System to Improve Safety and Business Sustainability
2:45 PM Networking Break
3:15 PM

Breakout Session #3

  • Workers’ Compensation Pitfalls: How to Avoid a Workers’ Compensation Claim Turning into an EEOC charge or Litigation in Today’s Work Environment
  • Issues in Impairment Ratings under the 6th Edition of the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment 
  • Implementing a Biopsychosocial Model: Decreasing Claim Severity while Increasing Appropriate Medical Care
  • Language Access and Working with Interpreters 
4:30 PM Adjourn
5:00 PM Conference Reception / Kids' Chance Event
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Time Session Name
7:00 AM Breakfast
8:00 AM Case Law Update
9:15 AM Worker Memorial Presentation
9:30 AM Networking Break
9:45 AM Announcement of the Sue Ann Head Award Winner
10:15 AM Legislative Update
10:30 AM The REWARD Program
Noon Closing Comments
Collage of conference sponsor logos