Cannabis, Opioids and Telemedicine—Not all at once!

June 13, 2019, from 1:30 pm to 2:45 pm


June 13, 2019

1:30 pm to 2:45 pm


Mirabella E

 Suggested Audience

Medical Providers, Nurse Case Managers, Employers, Adjusters


  • Jim Talmage, MD, Assistant Medical Director, Bureau of Workers’ Compensation


  • Mark Pew, Sr. Vice-President, Product Development and Marketing, Preferred Medical
  • Robert B. Snyder, MD, Medical Director, Bureau of Workers’ Compensation

Session Description

The medical cannabis legislation made significant progress in this legislative session but was delayed until next year.  It will impact Workers' Compensation, the “only” questions are when, how and how much.  Learning Objectives:

  1. Define cannabis and its limits.
  2. Explain its uses, possible benefits and potential harms.
  3. Understand its impact on workers’ compensation.

From a national perspective, the landscape for opioids and cannabis in workers’ compensation shifts rapidly.  To explore what is going on and apply it to Tennessee, Mark Pew, a nationally recognized expert will give us insights and foresights. Learning Objectives:

  1. Hear about the national issues.
  2. Learn how it applies to Tennessee.
  3. Explore near term actions.

Have you heard the news?  Telemedicine and telehealth are coming to Tennessee and to workers’ compensation. “That train has left the station!”  Defining the differences and the role it will play is the focus of this part of the presentation.  Learning Objectives:

  1. Explain the difference between telemedicine and telehealth.
  2. Understand the present status and uses.
  3. Hear the Bureau’s present thoughts.

Up Next: Networking Break (Visit Exhibitors next door) then Breakout Sessions at 3:15 PM