Medicare Set-Aside Agreements

Helping Injured Workers Decide Between Self-Administration and Professional Administration
June 13, 2019, from 11:00 am to 12:15 pm


June 13, 2019

11:00 am to 12:15 pm


Mirabella A-D

 Suggested Audience

Attorneys, Mediators, Adjusters

Download Presentation


  • Lisa Armstrong, Mediating Specialist, Bureau of Workers’ Compensation


Session Description

The benefits of closing medical benefits to injured workers, employers, and insurance carriers are abundant. As the practice becomes more common place, more and more injured workers find themselves navigating the complex world of Medicare on their own. This session will explore the pitfalls of self-administration including the reporting requirements, billing processes, Medicare Advantage Parts C&D, Medicare Secondary Payer Rules, and common errors committed by injured workers. The panel of experts will also discuss the benefit professional administration provides to injured workers, employers, and insurance carriers. Come learn how you can protect your organization from Medicare chaos.

Up Next: Lunch (provided) then Breakout Sessions at 1:30 PM