"Wounded Worker Syndrome” and Legacy Claims

June 13, 2019, from 3:15 pm to 4:30 pm


June 13, 2019

3:15 pm to 4:30 pm


Mirabella A-D

Download Presentation

 Suggested Audience

Medical Providers, Nurse Case Managers, Adjusters, Employers



Session Description

Injured workers with chronic pain can become caught in a cycle of opioids, ineffective treatment and disability. They are prescribed medications that impair their ability to function and participate in their family and community. They endure multiple procedures that provide limited if any relief or functional improvement. They find themselves becoming their diagnosis and having no hope of returning to any meaningful function. The idea of being unable to return to any type of “work” has left them hopeless and helpless.

The Restart FX team will provide guidance on how a Functional Restoration program can impact the recovery of the Injured Worker with chronic pain and reduce the incidence of the “WOUNDED WORKER SYNDROME.”  OBJECTIVES:

  • The participant will be able to:
    • Identify “red flags” for development of wounded worker syndrome.
    • List non-procedural options available to the MD to improve the outcome of the chronic pain patient.
    • Identify how the latest research on the brain and pain relate to relearning and pain management
    • Gain understanding of the role Pain Management Coaching plays in reshaping the learned phenomenon of chronic pain
    • Learn how coached clients acquire knowledge and implement effective pain-management strategies with the guidance of a coach.
    • Identify the role that a Physical Therapist plays in the functional recovery of the chronic pain patient.

With changes in opioid guidelines, treatment guidelines, changing medical information and the Reform Act of 2013, legacy claims have been affected.  Is it better or worse for those poor patients?  Topics discussed will include:

  • How has the handling of legacy claims changed since the 2013 Reform Act?
  • Has the imposition of treatment guidelines and the drug formulary affected your activities?
  • What processes are in place to make sure that the treatment or other activities are related to the covered claim?

Learning Objectives:

  • Assess the effects of the reform act on catastrophic care.
  • Understand the impact of changing guidelines.
  • Learn about how to assess them.

Up Next: Kids' Chance Fundraiser Reception & Silent Auction at 4:45 PM