Regional Accreditation Work

Along with development of the Statewide Accreditation plans, Regional Accreditaiton Plans were developed. In October of 2018 the DIDD (now DDA) Regional Offices and stakeholder groups began working with the Council on Quality and Leadership to develop Person-Centered Excellence (PCE) Plans.  In the fall of 2022, stakeholders came together again in three regional meetings to select and develop Regional Accreditation Goals. These groups were composed of people receiving services, their family members, advocates, provider network representatives and DIDD (now DDA) Regional team members. Stakeholders then had the opportunity to select 3 priority areas for their specific Region. Each Region is working on plans that were developed in partnership with stakeholders in their Region. Contact the Accreditation Team to learn more about these plans.

Regional PCE Plan Priority Areas

Factor 2 – Person-centered Planning
Factor 3 – Supports and Services
Factor 5 – Workforce

Factor 2 – Person-centered Planning
Factor 4 – Community Connections
Factor 5 – Workforce

Factor 1 – Person- Centered Assessment and Discovery
Factor 2 – Person-centered Planning
Factor 3 – Supports and Services

For more information about CQL and their accreditation program, please visit their website at this link.