PET (Prevention-Early Intervention-Treatment) Approach

to Workers’ Compensation Injuries and Reducing Unwarranted Variations in Back Pain Care
June 13, 2019, from 11:00 am to 12:15 pm


June 13, 2019

11:00 am to 12:15 pm


Oakleigh C

Download Presentation

 Suggested Audience

Medical Providers, Nurse Case Managers, Employers, Adjusters



  • Roy Johnson, MD, Medical Director and President, Middle Tennessee Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Inc.
  • Michael Modic, MD, Sr. Vice President, Population Health and professor of Radiology and Radiological Sciences

Session Description

A coordinated approach to injuries to workers has not been the norm.  By providing a systematic approach, better results may be obtained.  In the first portion of this presentation, Dr. Johnson will explain how it works and the results. Try to prevent if you can.  Start early and get the treatment ASAP.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand how this approach differs.
  2. Explain the rationale.
  3. Assess the improvement in results.

Variations in treatments for the same condition have led to significant differences in outcomes-in some cases poorer results, increased cost and longer disability.   Dr. Modic will explore this phenomenon in back pain care and offer solutions.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Explain why variations occur.
  2. Apply analysis to back pain care in workers.
  3. Understand possible solutions.

Up Next: Lunch (provided) then Breakout Sessions at 1:30 PM