Workers’ Comp 101

June 13, 2019, from 9:30 am to 10:45 am


June 13, 2019

9:30 am to 10:45 am


Cambridge AB


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 Suggested Audience

Employers, Adjusters


  • Kyle Jones, Communications Coordinator, Tennessee Bureau of Workers’ Compensation


  • Jeff Francis, Assistant Administrator, Tennessee Bureau of Workers’ Compensation

Session Description

Want to know how to save money on workers’ compensation?  Prevent the injury.  Want to know how to save money on your workers’ compensation claims after an injury occurs?  Attend this presentation.  Attendees at this presentation should expect to learn:

  • Ways to improve the workplace culture, reduce or eliminate workplace injuries and save money
  • Ways to turn a workers’ compensation claim into a workers’ recovery plan
  • Ways that employers may be negatively influencing their workplace culture regarding workplace injuries
  • The impact that a workplace culture has on the cost and length of recovery in workplace injuries.
  • The major statutory requirements of the current Tennessee workers’ compensation laws that are important for all stakeholders to know.
  • The latest updates to the Tennessee Workers’ Compensation Act, as well as Bureau Rules or Policies and the effective date(s) of those updates.  Updates include:
    • How long employees have to report an injury
    • When and how to put together a panel of physicians
    • When should employers report a claim to their insurance carrier

Beginners Guide (SpanishPosting Notice

Up Next: Networking Break (Visit Exhibitors next door) then Breakout Sessions at 11 AM